Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Rest of the story

Ok, so sorry to leave you hanging there.

So, to set the stage- there we were ....just been transfered to what we now realized was a world class hospital (at least to me, having a Star Bucks ranks you up there....even though I hate coffee) and it was late, but my Dh was in good spirits, and so was I. I guess for both of us, by this point we were both feeling that God was in control. I had been much more fearful earlier just after getting the very low platlet result back, and in the crazy ambulance ride. In the midst of things I had had a talk with God and told Him that of course my hand was open and if He wanted to take my husband home, that was His decision, and I wouldn't be bitter....but I also asked Him to spare His life, to heal him, because I love him. After that, my husband and I had bit of a quiet talk together and after that although things were stressful....both of us had a calm sense of God's overarching sovereignty in the situation. That was comforting.

So, we had to wait for his test results til morning. There was a bed for me in his hospital room so that was great. (Except for the endless stream of people coming in and out giving him medicine etc. )
In the morning the test results came back- his platlets had gone from 2.5% to 10% is not the best amount in the world, but at that point it was fantastic!! what it meant was that the medicine was working!! SOOOOOO, he didn't need a platlet transfusion! That was an amazing relief for both of us.

Later the doctor told us that that seemed like too big of a jump in too short a time, so they were calling into question the results from the other hospital, thinking that they made a mistake. And, that could be. However, I think that God did it. During that stretch of time between those two tests, there were a bunch of people praying for him. I wasn't able to call or email many people, but some of our friends prayed and got on email right away and asked a bunch of other people to pray for us. So, we were thanking God. Hugely.

So, that was a turning point. We ended up being in the hospital for almost a week before his platlets were up high enough to leave. Now we are back home and it looks like it will hopefully be a one time problem, however do pray for him if you get the chance that it will be only a one time thing.

He got checked for all kinds of stuff while he was in the hospital, to try to figure out what caused it. So, far it is still a mystery.

Ok, once again it is late, so I MUST go to bed now.

Peace to you wherever you are!


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's incredible. I'm so glad everything is okay. :) God is so good. I'm glad to hear from you, and will definitely be praying. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ames! *hugs* back !

polarpegs said...

you guys are on my list tonight. I am glad to hear things are beginning to get back to normal for the Guy. Take care of each other

Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness! I'm elated that you and Dh are now doing well. What a scare!? I'd like to know how to pray more specifically for you guys so shoot me a line and let me know whats up and what is needed.