Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Quiz :Who were you in high school?

All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

ok, small correction yah. I'm not American, but hey that's ok, we get the general idea. Oh yeah, the other thing is it doesn't say anything about being the girl with the big honking glasses.

Hmmm, what to make of this?

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.

Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!

Mrs. Moo's antics

That Mrs. Moo cracks me up. She is a character. I guessed that her age might be late 40's, or early 50's....apparently she is in her 60's. This is important information for being appropriately amazed at what I'm going to relate to you next.

Monday, headed back to class after a busy weekend. During a break, I was chatting with the person next to me, suddenly it became hard to focus on our conversation as Mrs. Moo had come into the room and was saying loudly that we foreigners need to be in better shape, get more exercise. She said that she gets up at 6 every morning and exercises. She said "See look at this!" And she whips her leg up on this tall desk to show how flexible she is. "See look how flexible I am !" This was all moderately distracting....then I went back to my conversation only to stop in mid sentance as I happened to glance over and see Mrs Moo doing nothing less than the splits on the floor. The cameras came out and she threw her arms out to the side for a nice pose, like a gymnast or something. It was quite a moment.

I think it was truly amazing for two reasons:

First of all, most floors around here are disgusting. That she was brave enough to get down on the floor, to me, shows a lot of committment to making her point.

Second of all, if we see a 6 year old do the splits, we aren't surprized, but we are impressed. To see a sixty+ year old do the splits, well there's no catagory for that because you never see it happen. So I was surprized and impressed. Yep, she's flexible. (I've never been able to get anywhere close to doing the splits, not at 6 nor 26 and not now)

She made her point.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

What kind of candy are you??

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Smooshie and unnatural? What on earth does that mean?? Stupid quiz.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Home again. Good to be back. When I got home the house was clean and laundry done. And my hubby was feeling great again. Oh so good to return.

Back to class too!! These days I think a lot about language learning. I am really not a good language learner. So, sometimes it's a bit of slogging for me, the grammar really bogs me down.

There are some funny little moments in the classroom though. Thought I'd post a few of mine below here- this is origionally from an email I sent last year...sorry if these sound familiar to you!!

Our teacher was a little giggly today too. I made up a sentence this morning saying that after breakfast I put on my clothes….(assuming I was in my pj’s for breakfast) and my teacher started laughing so hard I didn’t finish the sentence. Apparently people here get dressed before breakfast, not after. Of course maybe she thought I was saying I was naked eating breakfast. She was too polite to spell out why exactly she was laughing so hard.

Then I meant to tell her I was reading a book, and instead said I was writing a book. She looked surprised. This Russian guy in my class told me that he wanted the first copy. I told him he could have the first copy when it comes out in Russian.

OK, while we are on the topic, the other day we were amazed that our teacher could keep a straight face-( same teacher) we had this lesson about being sick and going to the doctor but it was about someone with dysentery … so there were words like diarrhea and poo. We could not figure out how the teacher could keep a straight face with 10 foreigners all saying “Poo” …..“Poo” over and over again. And also one time when she was quizzing me on the word list, I was supposed to say the one for poo, but instead I said "Big Bread. " (which sounds very similar) My friend informed me of my mistake later, as she was talking about things that made her laugh in class.

I guess it's all part of acquiring the language, if you try to perfect it before you speak you will never speak well.

It’s the same for those learning english.

One of my friends- her english is excellent. She is at the point where she is adding idioms into her daily speech.

Just before Christmas a friend explained to her what it meant to “nurse a grudge” in your marriage. This really impacted her, and so once in awhile she will ask me, “Oh! Are you nursing a grouchy baby?” ( I think she thinks this is the idiom “to nurse a grudge”) She makes me laugh every time, she laughs too.

She is quite inspiring because she has learned english so well, and I think it is partly because she isn’t afraid to try things,and make mistakes.
She also got the idiom “Quit cold turkey” down just recently.

She went through

"Quit cold turkeys”
“Quit a turkey”
and I’m sure I heard her say “Kick a turkey”

That email exerpt was from last spring I think.

Actually today a friend of mine about one of his language follies. A few years ago he took a trip to a foreign country. He was shopping around for a pair of jeans, and many of the vendors were after him to buy from them in the market place. So, after awhile he became frustrated and tried to say something to the equivalent of "Forget it!" which he said making the appropriate arm crossing motion in the front for extra emphasis. Apparently what he actually said was "I have a rash on my butt." But he didn't know that at the time. Who knew two phrases with such different meanings could sound so similar?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Not going to that restaurant again

My husband has salmonella poisoning. We thought it was the stomach flu but he went and got checked out yesterday and it seems that it is salmonella or something like it. It hasn't been a "violent" case of salmonella, but it definately hasn't been a picnic for him either. He should be getting better now though, he has some medication that should help. Today we are both supposed to travel to another city for the weekend, looks like he won't go, but I will. I would love to spend the weekend at home with him, but no can do. Too bad.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A funny little moment I had yesterday...I and a friend went to go visit some of her friends at one of the dorms. It was fun, they were a lively bunch. I was asking them what they do for fun, and the topic of hip hop dancing came up. I asked one girl if she was into hip hop dancing, and she said, "Oh I like it, but you should picture me dancing! I'm not very good!" Then another girl said "!" To which we all burst into laughter....including the girl who dances like a bear. Cute.

Circumstances: Explained by God

From "When God Speaks" - by Henry and Richard Blackaby p 73

"Jesus is the truth in the midst of life's circumstances (I am the way, the truth and the life!-John 14:6) I have always applied this not merely to doctrine but to life. The disciples saw the storm on the Sea of Galilee as a moment when they might "perish" (Matt 8:25) Jesus saw that they were perfectly safe because Jesus was safe, under the watchcare of His Heavenly Father. As a result, Jesus stilled the storm and then rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith. Jesus often said, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matt 19:26) For Jesus, God's prescence always determined the truth of any situation.

Are you in a situation where God's presence is making a difference?

Are you afraid because you do not believe God's presence can make a difference?"

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Another Saturday Night

Today was a full Saturday. One hilight was a date with my husband. We went out for supper- Pizza. It was a good treat, and nice to spend the time together. Afterward we came home and had a little movie night. I was quite proud of was totally a girl movie....we watched "The Notebook." It's not his favourite thing in the world to watch anything girly, he likes guy movies! Really he likes a lot of different kinds of movies but top of the list is anything with action, in fact a few weeks ago he found an old copy of "Rambo: First Blood" and he was soo thrilled. He was telling everyone about it, and inviting them to watch it. There was a sparkle in his eye as he told them about what a masterpiece it was and that it is a truly "iconic" film. Most of the movies I like are nothing like "Rambo: First Blood" but sometimes we do happen upon something that we both like. (Like Mr. Bean.) Generally though we have a different taste in movies, so I really appreciate it so much when he watches something with me that I know isn't exactly his first choice (or second choice, or third choice...)
Tonight I was especially appreciative of him.....not only did he watch a very girly movie with me, but also with 4 of my other female friends as well!!! He was the only guy watching a tear jerking romance in a room with 5, count them 5 sniffing, dewy eyed women!
And he only left the room for an extended period once!

I wouldn't have blamed him if he had scooted off to do something else, but I did appreciate the fact that he stuck around with us and watched together, somehow it made it more fun to have him there too.
I'm so thankful for that guy! (He's braver than Rambo!)

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Book Corner

I do a lot more reading now than I used to. It used to (generally) take me a long long time to finish one book... now although not a voracious reader, I do go through a number of books per year. I really enjoy reading and it helps keep me a thinking person. And an encouraged person. (Yes language learning does stimulate the brain but its in the same way over and over again...and it gets exhausting it's nice to read and learn something in my own language.)

I was thinking about my favourite books..... over the years, ones that made a difference in the way I see the world, ones that I keep going back to, ones that were fun.... ones that I should recommend more to others.... I decided to list some of them categories.... here they are....

Books that really encouraged me:
-In the Eye of the Storm- Max Lucado (Karyn H gave me this book as a birthday gift! THANKS! Good for anyone who is tired, busy or going through something difficult)
-Sacred Romance- John Eldredge and Brent ____(sorry his name escapes me just now)
-The Fragrance of Beauty -Joyce Landorf (my mom gave me this book when I was a teenager and I read it multiple times.... )
-Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ- John Piper (I think I should read this again, when I read part of it the first time I was deathly ill (fever, cough, blah's..) so I think I would enjoy it even more if I read it again.
-The Power of a Praying Woman- Stormie Omartian... Looks at prayer but also looks at having a right heart before God as well.
-My Heart Christ's Home- Robert Munger...a very little book, but huge message about letting God transform our hearts and lives and enjoying His friendship and Lordship!
-Becoming a Woman of Excellence- Cynthia Heald, It's a Bible study that I've done multiple times, sooo good! It's safe to say that I am a Cynthia Heald fan, I love the way she comes at topics!
Know Why You Believe- Paul E. Little. Good intellectual reaons to believe. Quick read.
More Than A Carpenter- Josh MacDowell - Also about why it's reasonable intellectually to believe in Jesus. Also a quick read.
Evidence That Demands A Verdict- Josh MacDowell- I've only read part of it, but is also along that same theme, but more indepth.
Must reads for every Christian (In my humble opinion):
-Victory Over the Darkness-Neil Anderson (good words for knowing who you are and how to walk victoriously as a Christian!)
-Bondage Breaker- Neil Anderson (Breaking free of spiritual strongholds)
-The Master Plan of Evangelism- Robert Coleman(How Jesus went about fulfilling His purpose while walking here on earth....)
-When God Speaks - Henry and Richard Blackaby
-Faith is Not a Feeling- Ney Bailey (Principals and stories from her life about walking in faith...)
- The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel- Excellent book looking at intellectual questions about belief, questions like - "If God is good why it there evil and suffering"etc.... He sought out leading theologians and philosophers to answer these questions. Highly recommend this book.

Current Reads:
Captivating- John and Stasi Eldredge (good book about how God sees and values women- a question that has been on my heart for a few years..)
When God Speaks- Henry and Richard Blackaby- good principals about how to discern the voice of God in our's hitting home with me right now, I think I would put it on the must read list too....
Lineage of Grace -Francine Rivers - wow, this is the first Christian fiction book I've read in years, and I must say I was caught off guard at how drawn into it I've been. It looks at different women from the Bible and tells the story from what might have been their point of view.... really thought provoking and gives cultural insights which really help understand the stories)
That I May Know Him- Kay Arthur and David Lawson- A guide to study Philippians and Colossians Inductively, (I'm just doing Philippians for now) finding it helpful, it's walking me step by step through the Inductive Bible Study method, which helps keep me doing it...and it has some of their insights as well.

I LOVE biographies.... some good ones I've read:
Lords of the Earth- Don Richardson..(this one was recommended to me by the Cain children..they were reading it with their parents!)
The Hiding Place: The Corrie TenBoom story....I don't know who wrote it, but it's a classic. Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who along with her dad and sister hid Jewish people in their house to keep them safe during WW2.....they got caught and she and multiple family members went to prison. She and her sister later ended up in a concentration camp. It's her story of trusting God through it all.
The Five Silent Years of Corrie Ten Boom- Looks at the end years of her life as she suffered a number of strokes....and trusting God through that too.
Dream Big (Bio about Henrietta Miers)- (author?) Although she died in the 60's her influence is still being felt all over the world. An amazing woman!
Mission Possible - Marilyn Laszlo story of God working! She's a pretty cool woman too!
Eternity in Their Hearts- Don Richardson - I've only read parts of it, but it puts a cool informative spin on the way God has been working in the world over the years

Very Practical:
Organized Living- Sandra Felton...a great book for disorganized people, written by someone else who is disorganized.....

Favourite Children's Book:
The Giving Tree- Shel Silverstein- (Introduced to me by my friend Nancy McHenry, it took me awhile before I could read it without getting all choked up, or totally disolving into a sobbing mess)
You are Special- Max Lucado- A great children's book for adults too.

Other Popular Books that others recommend that I would like to read at some point:
The Purpose Driven Life- Rick Warren- nope I've never read it. But it is on the shelf.
What's So Amazing about Grace- Philip Yancy - heard very good reviews on it, but haven't read it yet....
The Case for Christ- Lee Strobel -similar idea to Case for Faith but specifically about answering the tough questions about who Christ really was.
How People Grow by Henry Cloud

Currently On the Upcoming Roster:
Humility- Andrew Murray - self explanatory

I know I've missed some significant books- I just couldn't think of them all and I've intentionally left a few off here. I've also read some great secular novels in recent years too. But I've listed a lot above already....

But I'd be interested to know if you have any Recommendations? What are you reading??

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Mrs. Moo

There's this one teacher that I have.... I'll call her Mrs. Moo. She is really cute, and maybe all of about 4foot 10. I really have no idea how old she is....maybe in her fifties. She's one of those people who can insult you and totally get away with it. She's fiesty, with a smile. Most of the time.

Anyway, two days ago in her class, she asked these two guys to make up a dialogue. They were supposed to follow the topic that was suggested in the book which was that one of them was supposed to be sick and it had some other details with it ... what followed went something like this....

Tall guy: "Hello, I heard that you were sick."
Mrs. Moo: "NO! YOU are the one who is sick, not him! Start over!"
Tall guy: "Hello!"
Short guy: "Hello! I heard you were sick."
Tall guy: "Yes, last night I ate this meat that..."
Mrs. Moo: "NO! You have the FLU! It has nothing to do with meat that you ate! Start over!"
Tall guy:" Hello!"
Short guy:"Hello!..."
Mrs. Moo: "NO! Don't say Hello! Hello!.... you are roomates! You are in the same room with each other! You don't have to say Hello! Hello!....!

And, well, you get the picture....such is life for the confused foreigner.