Thursday, January 26, 2006


Well, we are away from home for a little while. (and have been away for a few days) Doing some travelling. We are having a pretty good time. It's been a combination of relaxing, reading, exploring and being with friends. So far, so good. I did put in a new post but it is down below the cute overload pictures that I posted if you want to read it, for some reason I couldn't get the date to change to the real date I posted it.... so just scroll down if you would like to read it.

Hope all's well where you are!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A small trip

Yesterday I accompanied a friend to the airport in another city to pick up her parents who are here visiting. Here is what I managed to do during that time:
1-get up at 5:40 am after going to bed around 1am. (I don't recommend this)
2-catch an early morning train.
3- enjoyed a raspberry frapuchinno
4-ate but did not particularly enjoy a "new" chicken burger from a chain restaurant. (I usually do like chicken burgers by the way)
5-people watched while waiting for her parents
6-was awed by the idea that God knows and actually cares for each person in the world.
7-Greeted her parents
8-caught shuttle
9-managed to get the jet lagged parents and all our luggage stranded on a street corner while trying to get to the train station. (supposed to take a taxi, but the first one refused, saying it was close enough to walk- which it was NOT)
10-misunderstood the very nice taxi driver who actually did take us. He was asking me which country I was from. I basically told him I was a native of our city that we live in now. He laughed.
11-finally got everyone safe and sound to the station without toooo much pain.
12-got caught in a mob of people desperately trying to catch their train. It was insanity.
13-Stopped for a little bit of food before catching our train.
14-flipped some "hot" spice into my eye. Now I know why they call it "pepper" spray.
15-Joined the mob getting on to our train
16-made it back home.
17-watched some "Alias" with my husband. And ate chocolate.
18-Finally landed exhausted back in bed.

Usually travelling here is not quite so crazy as it was yesterday.(Right Charlene??Karen??) It is just a busy time right now. If any of you come and visit, it will most likely be much more relaxed!!! :) And I promise I won't flip any hot spice into your eye. Not on purpose anyway. And I will share my chocolate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Oh for the love of cuteness...

Got these pics from .... you can make up captions.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Something I found encouraging

Below I have cut and pasted a story from Randall's blog. It was such an encouraging story I thought it beared repeating. He got the story from a magazine that he gets every few months. He was reading it and thought it was cool and wanted to remember do I here it is.( I took out all reference to specific places....) It is a true story.

This happened in Country P
Nasir's death was another one of those tragedies that people have to deal with. At seventeen years of age he had been diagnosed with bowel cancer. He was a boy from a very rich family living in a town an hour's drive from the capital city. The doctor he consulted admitted him to the hospital and operated on him. However, Nasir didn't recover as hoped, but deteriorated rapidly. Five days later, surrounded by relatives, Nasir died. The doctors confirmed his death. It was Monday afternoon, 2nd May, 2005.
The hospital staff started to prepare his body for burial. The cannulas and IV lines were removed. They tied his two big toes together, strapped his jaw up to close his mouth tightly, and stuffed cotton wool into his nostrils. The ambulance was called to take the body home for the funeral.
In that same hospital two young Christian men worked as orderlies. During the course of work, one of these had become friendly with Nasir and his relatives. When he saw Nasir dead he went and told the other Christian orderly to come and pray. However, Shoquat didn't want to pray as Nasir was already dead. Still the friend pressured Shoquat. So the two friends went to Nasir's room. There lay the boy, destroyed by sickness, surrounded by fifteen grief-stricken relatives.
Because of the friend's insistence, Shoquat took courage and picked up the dead boys hand. As he prayed he began to sense the power of God. Trembling, he prayed in Jesus' name that the boy would come back to life. The corpse started to move and opened his eyes. Wild cries of disbelief and tears of joy began to flow from the seventeen witnesses. They set Nasir's face and nose free and watched as he sat up, very much alive and healed. Shoquat was swamped with kisses and hugs. For some twenty-five minutes Nasir had been dead, with no breathing or a pulse. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the Lord Jesus had done an amazing work - for a youth like him. He was discharged from the hospital at 11 p.m. that night, completely well.
The doctors were baffled and embarrassed. That same day Shoquat was questioned by the hospital superintendent. The administration concluded that it was impossible. They were unwilling to admit that the Christians' Jesus had done a great miracle. When Shoquat and his friend arrived for work the following day they were handed their pay and told they were fired. The only reason given was that other men were being employed in their place.
There was great rejoicing - late into the night as the church celebrated the great work that the Lord Jesus had done. And there was great rejoicing in Nasir's home.
(Names have been changed)

"Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."- Jesus

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Oh and one more thing

One more thing!

I realized after writing those lists of 7 answers to 7 questions below that I also wanted to put Charlene M and Cherrah on the tag list as well. You two, if you so choose can also send me your answers via email.....:)

Odd and Ends

It's late sunday night and I need to go to bed. Just wanted to write a little something though.

I have an exam tomorrow, which I didn't know about until tonight......argh. Actually the train of events went like this.

Last week I thought all my exams were this coming week. That is what our teachers announced the week before. They also announced a three day holiday to celebrate the New Year. So I thought "great ...Monday Tuesday Wednesday. I'm off, celebrate good times, c'mon. Let's celebrate. " Except on Wednesday I learned (after staying home guilt free that morning) that we actually did have class, that when they announced the 3 day holiday they were including SUNDAY. So I actually didn't have wednesday off at all.....(a number of others also skipped thinking it was a holiday too!) Also on wednesday morning, my cell phone card ran out of money. (this becomes important later)

So wednesday night after the lights are out and my husband and I are talking about the day, just ready to doze off to sleep, he mentions that another guy in my class told him that he has an exam the next day....meaning that I also have an exam the next day. Apparently it was switched from this coming week, to a week earlier! and they had announced it that day in class- the one that I had a "holiday" from! (the guy, our friend from my class had sent me a message apprently, which i never got because my phone needed to be recharged.)

So, ok, now this weekend, I am supposing my other two exams are wednesday....but tonight, sunday, early evening, I discover that I have an exam...tomorrow morning. Changed! Also probably announced on my "holiday" and my friend also probably let me know via the dead phone.

I'd like to say that this is an uncommon experience in my world, but no, it's not. There are certain things which seem to characterize my life thus far.... and this kind of thing for some reason is one of them. But some how it all seems to work out. And really, not much I can do about it now!

I've heard that perhaps tomorrow's exam will be a take home..... let's hope for that shall we??
Ok, well, I really need to get to bed now. I'm ready for a peaceful nights sleep.
Good night!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Ok, first post of 2006! Phewf! The last two weeks have been a swirling vortex of activity. Mostly good.
We had a very quite Christmas. We spent it with a few friends, eating, goofing around, more eating, and remembering the special meaning of Christmas. It was good.

On Christmas eve we also watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special. I forgot how terribly cute Snoopy is. I think it was kind of fresh because I haven't watched it for a few years, and I was watching it with some people who have never seen it (yes they were from North America- amazing, I know.) Now though it is a week and a half later, occasionally still one of us will imitate the dancing style of one of the Peanuts characters.

Our big meal together was brunch on Christmas morning. We had drawn names from a hat as to who would give gifts to who. It was a secret until Christmas day who your secret santa was. I have to say I had a lot of fun buying for my person, and the person who bought for me did a smash up job! Can you believe it- she bought me a bike! (Now to give some context, it is used, and used bikes are very cheap here...often you can buy them for around $10) But it was great!!! It's yellow with a black and white checkered cover for the seat!! I have a bike now!!!! wa HOO!! The very best thing about it is that she saved me all the hassle of going to the bike market and haggling for it myself! THAT is a gift!

My husband and I missed being home with family on Christmas, so we were thankful for the friends we could gather with and still enjoy a celebration.

One funny thing from the season...lots of people here don't have their own Christmas trees, but we bought one, and put it up awhile before Christmas....then took it down twice to lend out to people who wanted to borrow it for parties. We totally didn't mind, but it is funny when you think about it- you would never ask someone in Canada if you could borrow their Christmas tree AFTER they have gone through the trouble of setting it all up and it is adorning the corner of their living room. We really didn't mind at all, why not spread the cheer around. And, after all, we're not in Canada. Different rules.

Well, I need to go, we are going to supper with friends, I will write more later.