Monday, January 29, 2007

That'll be $7 for parking please

So, we came up with a plan to avoid all the indiscreetness at the beach- go early.
We trundled down to the beach at 8:30 this morning. It was great, the sun was up, and warm but not hot. And it was at a perfect angle to make the water colour quite gorgeous. There was a nice breeze off the ocean. There weren't very many people there so that was nice, and since it wasn't that hot out, everyone was properly clothed.

The only one annoying thing was that a guy came and told us it cost money to sit on the beach chairs after we'd been sitting there for two hours and were ready to leave. We didn't see a sign or anything. But that's ok, we had a very nice time sitting on those chairs so we paid the guy the money. But what if we'd come down to the beach without money?

Anyway, same time and same plan for tomorrow. Except maybe we'll sit in the sand.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Oh the smells you can smell

This morning my husband and I came down for breakfast, and had a nice brunch together.

After breakfast we both decided to check our email at a little internet place in the hotel. Not a bad deal at all. It's kind of under a roof and kind of open to the outside. As we were sitting clicking away reading email and what not we smelled a smell that was not pleasant. It smelled like Poo. And I'm not talking about Winnie the.

It seemed to be coming from an air vent, so before going upstairs to our room we complained to the girl behind the check in desk. Her english was not too good. The conversation went like this:

Us: Hi, we just want to let you know there is a poo smell over by the computers.
Her: (Blank look.)
Me: A bad smell, it smells like poo, over there. (waving of hand in front of face and pointing to computer area)
Her: Poo? (blank look)
Hubby: Poo, refuse, defacation, crap
Me: (continued waving of hand under nose and crinkled face expression.)
Her: Oh you mean the sea food...
Us: No a poo smell by the computers, over there.... check it out.

then we left.

And we decided that we would not be trying the sea food.

Friday, January 26, 2007

the dangers of vacation

Good morning.
Well, I haven't updated in a looong time.
I'm still alive.
Right now Hubby and I are down south- we have some things to do here but first we are taking a little R &R. It's very pretty where we are right now, and very warm.
We just arrived yesterday - and went trucking down to the beach to check it out.
It's beautiful, but one problem is- some of the Europeans (not all of them, just some of them) think it's a non swimsuit kind of beach. At least on the top part. Hello people- this is a normal public beach. Wear your WHOLE swim suit. Even if there's not much swimsuit to wear... put it all on.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

A little Catch up

Why is my mind blank?

I haven't posted for a long time, and lots has happened but my mind is El Blanco. ....

Life has been full and busy, not a lot of reflection time. I am on cold number 2. The second in a number of weeks. I always thought there was some rule that your body has that you can't catch a second cold right after another one.... it's not so bad though. Just a bit runny and sneezy.

How was your New Years? We had a little road trip... nothing too substantial, travelled about an hour and a half away to hang out with some friends. It was fun. The train was a little crazy. Lots of other people travelling too.

When we got there we went for a nice supper, and then went roller skating- on an outdoor rink. Yes it is winter here. It was fun, definately a first for me- the outdoor roller rink part. I took it easy however... the thought of taking a big fall and further wrenching this precarious back of mine kept me from really tearing it up, and getting sassy on the skates. I'm sure sometimes when other people see the way I move, they think I'm like an old granny. Really I just have a strong aversion to pain, so I become quite cautious.

After the roller skating we went back to the apartment and had this incredible cheesecake. Phew. Good stuff. I ate entirely too much sugar, but I don't reget it, it was the last day of 2006. (But, I know that I need to 86 much of the sweet tooth tendancies in my regular day to day eating habits. )

So, New Years, it was fun. It was good to see friends, pray for the world in 2007, worship together, eat and just gab a bit.

Now, we are going to watch "Happy Feet" and goof off.

Good Night for now,
And all the best for 2007!

PS I started taking Vitamin D.