Saturday, January 06, 2007

A little Catch up

Why is my mind blank?

I haven't posted for a long time, and lots has happened but my mind is El Blanco. ....

Life has been full and busy, not a lot of reflection time. I am on cold number 2. The second in a number of weeks. I always thought there was some rule that your body has that you can't catch a second cold right after another one.... it's not so bad though. Just a bit runny and sneezy.

How was your New Years? We had a little road trip... nothing too substantial, travelled about an hour and a half away to hang out with some friends. It was fun. The train was a little crazy. Lots of other people travelling too.

When we got there we went for a nice supper, and then went roller skating- on an outdoor rink. Yes it is winter here. It was fun, definately a first for me- the outdoor roller rink part. I took it easy however... the thought of taking a big fall and further wrenching this precarious back of mine kept me from really tearing it up, and getting sassy on the skates. I'm sure sometimes when other people see the way I move, they think I'm like an old granny. Really I just have a strong aversion to pain, so I become quite cautious.

After the roller skating we went back to the apartment and had this incredible cheesecake. Phew. Good stuff. I ate entirely too much sugar, but I don't reget it, it was the last day of 2006. (But, I know that I need to 86 much of the sweet tooth tendancies in my regular day to day eating habits. )

So, New Years, it was fun. It was good to see friends, pray for the world in 2007, worship together, eat and just gab a bit.

Now, we are going to watch "Happy Feet" and goof off.

Good Night for now,
And all the best for 2007!

PS I started taking Vitamin D.


Anonymous said...

My new years was good. :) We had a bunch of people from cpcc over and basically just sat around and ate all night. We went to my school and skated for a bit... but my feet started to hurt so I went star gazing. :D How was happy feet? :P
Love, ames

The confused foreigner. said...

Hey Ames,
sounds like a pretty good New Years to me.
Happy Feet- what to say about that.... well, we got through about 3/4 of the movie and it just quit right there. We had a bad copy I guess - so we have no idea how it ends!
Up to that point it was quite cute, although our copy of the movie really wasn't that good- the sound was a litte muffled and the colours a little washed out, and the dark scenes a little too dark.
I would say that M liked it more than me, he was quite taken with it.
We just started laughing when the movie just stopped- it was right at the most climactic part.

Ah well, once we get to an english speaking place, M would like to watch it in a theatre, so perhaps we'll find out how it ends, someday.
Miss you friend!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That's awesome! It would drive me nuts though...stopping right in the middle of a climatic part. :) Hehe, good times. Have an awesome day!!!! :D :D
Miss you too!!!Super muchly!!