Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Trip to the market

One fun thing we did while we were down south was go to a big flower market. We took the subway, then hopped on a boat-bus, and then somehow wandered our way over to the market.

Flowers are amazing aren't they? The market itself was a little so-so, but the flowers.... masterpieces.

A few sight and sound bites from down south

Well, it took a little while but I finally got my butt in gear to post a few things from our time away.
The very last location we were in, we stayed in a nice little guest house- clean and cheap.
We enjoyed it a lot, although we were in a very urban place, the little guest house was down at the end of a lane, so it felt just off the beaten path.
We had the end room which was great because our windows looked out on a waterway where boats zipped by. See here it is....

There were water taxis that would zip by. We took one in another part of town one day- lots of fun.

Here is a dead coconut tree just out side our window.

The downside of our end room was this guy-

Let's call him the early bird. He lived just outside our window. I don't know what it is with us and roosters, but they do seem to show up a lot when we are travelling. And this brings me to my next point- the person who coined the onomatapia - "cock-a-doodle-doo" never had a rooster. They had never come near a rooster. He lived in a city in North America and never came in contact with anything resembling a rooster. I'm sorry. No. "Cock-a-doodle-doo" my foot. That is far too sweet and cutsy. A rooster says "ER er ER er ERRRCH!" or "er ERRCH!" ANd usually it's no where near dawn. It's still dark when they start up this racket.

Thankfully our little friend didn't bother us too badly- just the first night... after that we discovered that closing our bathroom door muffled his ERRCHING. He seemed to sleep in a little more as well after we were there for awhile. Guess he thought he'd broken us in.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Back again

Well, we finally arrived home after a long time away doing many things. Life is fairly quiet here.
It was an interesting journey home- we had one connecting flight to get back, with what was supposed to be a short stop over inbetween. We made it to the gate and then realized that our flight wa delayed. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon... it was delayed about 12 hours.
The good thing is that the airline gave us a free hotel room and supper. So, we caught a few winks. We had no idea how long the wait would be as it was due to fog, and who knows when that will lift. But at 2:40 am when they called we had to get our sorry butts up out of bed and head back for the 3:40 am flight. We were tired, but arrived safe and sound into a beautiful sunny day.

I will try to post some pics a little later today. We are working at getting caught up with the household, emails and life in general...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

about the wind

Not too much to report from here.
Although I must say there is a fantastic wind here.
It's deliciously warm every day but where we are staying there's this wind- combined with the warmth it's very refreshing.
I don't think other places are quite so windy- there's something about the courtyard where we are staying that seems to whip up the wind. So if there's wind outside our place, there's extra wind inside our courtyard.
The only time it's not so nice is if you want to swim in the pool as the pool is cold and then when there are wind squalls on the surface it can be quite chilly.
See? Look at that - I'm on vacation, I really have nothing important to say.