Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 30th, 2002

For those of you who don't know, the couple mentioned in the post below are my older brother and his soon to be wife. We are thrilled for them, and I'm looking forward to hearing all the delicious details of the when, wheres and etc...

Now, it just so happens that today is an anniversary of sorts for us. On November 30th 2002 M and I got engaged. We celebrate this day, when we remember. One year we sorta forgot...

It's 4 years ago now, that M told me, "dress up on Saturday night and I'm going to take you out to a nice place." Immediately my spidey sense was tingling. I was pretty sure he was going to propose that night, and I was really nervous. More nervous than him. For sure. I don't know why. Even now, I don't know why I was so nervous.

Anyway, we got in the car, it was a sunny but cold early evening and we headed over to a restaurant with a bright yellow lit up awning. It didn't look like a fancy restaurant. In fact, it's proximity to the Husky Gas station there at that time sort of made me wonder what kind of restaurant we were going to. But when we got inside, it was indeed one of the nicest in town. It was called "The Victorian." I had never heard of it until that night, it was nice, decorated in victorian style, and serving some very good food.

As we were eating, we were both startled by the waiter who said "K, these are for you!" He handed me a bouquet of a dozen red roses wrapped in plain brown paper and twine. Beautiful. We were both startled because the waiter said my name, me because what waiter calls you by name? And M because he had forgotten about dropping off the flowers earlier that day and asking them to give them to me!

So, then I thought, here it comes.... but instead M just said he wanted to take me out to let me know how special I am. So we proceeded to have a great discussion over shrimp and lobster tails.

As supper was nearing a close M asked what I wanted to do, I didn't know.... so he suggested going to a wrestling tournament that was on at the University. Ok, sure I thought. Why not? It was kind of fun to be spontaneous, so off we went... and at that point I thought we were just hanging out, and maybe it wasn't the night for a proposal.

When we got to the University, there was no wrestling, only a volleyball tournament.... his information was wrong. So, he asked if I wanted to go to the games room on the other side of the University. That sounded like fun, so we headed over there. On the way there, M said, "Hey let's check out the observatory", so we went in. Now, M had been carrying around this mysterious piece of cardboard under his arm all night. There was a link between the trip into the observatory and the mystery cardboard but I wouldn't find that out till later.

Inside the observatory we were surpised to find about 20 people all waiting in line to see the stars and planets. At the point we got there, I think they were looking at Jupiter. We got a glimpse and then left pretty quick. It was a bit cold. We headed over to the games room, us and our piece of cardboard.

Our relationship is pretty playful, we like to do things like challenge each other to a few rounds of air hockey or other games like that. So, we had a good time. We ended with a game of pool, and as we were close to finishing, m asked if I wanted to go for dessert with him, and I really couldn't bear the thought of eating a bite more, I was still so full from supper. So, he then asked if I wanted to go for a drive.... ok let's go.

M had this favourite route that he liked to drive on his way to my house, so that's where we drove, it was along by the river. As we came to one particular spot over looking the river with the old Besbourough Hotel on the other side, he stopped the car. It was a beautiful view. And that's where M proposed and I said yes. I don't remember exactly how everything went but as we were sitting there looking out, he pulled out the cardboard. It was actually a folder. Inside there was a star chart, and he told me that he had had a star named after me. When we were at the observatory he had wanted to show me the star but we didn't realize that the observatory actually had programmed viewing, so his plan was thwarted a bit.

Then as I was ewwing and awing about how incredibly sweet and stunning it was to have someone name a star after you, he said, "But that star is too far away, you need one for your finger" and he pulled out the ring box holding a gorgeous diamond ring. Then he proceeded to tell me some things he appreciated about me and asked me to marry him. And I proceeded to say yes.

And so, we'll celebrate today. Just a little. If you get a chance to gaze at the stars, mine is just to the side of the constellation "Lacerta".... it shines it's brightest every year right around November 30th.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy News

Congratulations Lorne and Kerrie!
We are thrilled for you two, and wish you many years of wedded adventure and bliss!
Can you believe this little peanut is getting married?

Congrats to you both!

Things you can't do when you're not in the pool

Friday, November 17, 2006

Pass me my minies, sonny!

I have a bottle of multi vitamins from Canada that I want to start taking. First, I've been trying to finish up a bottle that I bought here. It's taking me forever to finish it. When I bought it I thought, "well, it looks like a bottle of Centrum or something and it has a whole list of the vitamins and minerals on the back- must be fine." So, I picked them up.
Today I offered some to a friend, (who speaks and reads the language) and she informed me that it is actually a bottle of vitamins for seniors. I'll still finish it off, I'm sure i need a lot of the same kinds of nutrients. I do find it funny though. I wonder what else we've been eating that isn't what we think it is.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The View from My Porch Window

I've said before that one of the things that I love about living here is the social aspect. People gather in little groups all over the place. There are two groupings in particular right outside our house.

Everyday there are people who gather around the entrance to the store, and also at the ice cream stand. They play games, cards is a favourite. They shoot pool. (although that is less now as it is getting colder so the outdoor tables are covered.) They gab. They laugh. They share life together.

We aren't really a part of any of it, we just kind of come and go and say hi when we can. Of course there was the night we went out and hung with the one group until the early hours of the day... see below. But really the time I feel most connected to them is when I am making supper.

That might sound strange, but we live on the first floor, and our stove is in a porch. So, when I am making supper then whole neighbourhood can see me in there stirring the soup, or the veggies, or flipping the pancakes. And, I can see them.

My favourite people to watch (well, not in a bad way, but they are RIGHT there! I can't help it!! Besides, it's culturally acceptable here to stare at people, so there) are the people from just upstairs. I'm most familiar with the Grandpa and Grandma- they log hours and hours hanging out at the store, and walking to and fro in front of our apartment. Usually they have their little 2 year old grandson with them. He will almost always smile for me.

For awhile when it was warmer outside, when I was making supper, they were almost always just outside the window. They would give him a little snack at the cement bench or lift a pavement brick back for him to play in the sand underneath it or let him ride on his little plastic thing -a -ma -bob with wheels.

Then others would come home from work greeting each other outside, stopping to chat. And the funny thing- as soon as it got warm here last spring, all these babies popped up everywhere with their grannies. So, the little two year old from upstairs has little friends to play with now.

Anyway, all this to say, yeah, I enjoy the part of life here where people are out, living life in the presence of each other, in the presence of their neighbours... and I love my little view of it through my porch window!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My 100 things

When many people hit their 100th post, they celebrate. I hit 100 a little while ago. I didn't notice. I guess that is in keeping with my style. Belated but well intentioned.
In honour of surpassing the magic 100 posts, here's my list of

100 things about me:
(if you don't care, then scroll)

1. I'm the 4th of 4 children born in 4 years.
2. I'm the only girl born to my parents.
3. Currenly I live overseas in a developing nation.
4. I'm functional in the local language, but nowhere near fluent.
5. I love dancing, especially ballroom.
6. The viennese waltz and the samba are my favourites.
7. Followed closely by polka, foxtrot, rhumba, cha cha, jive and a good ol two step.
8. I sometimes find ballroom dancing pretty cheesy.
9. One of the things that attracted me to my husband was that he was willing to learn to dance.
10. I once won an essay contest, I won a $100.
11. I like baking but hate the clean up.
12. I love to have a good time.
13. I enjoy people who can laugh at themselves.
14. I once represented my school at the city track meet in throwing shotput. (there were other events too but that one is the funniest if you know me)
15. I like people who are comfortable to be with.
16. My husband is very comfortable to be with.
17. I once used the men's room by accident because the picture of a man's head on the door looked like a woman to me. (I discovered I was in the men's room when I was sitting down in my cubicle and heard men's voices outside my cubicle in the washroom)
18. I like a wide range of music. I especially like to listen to worship music. I also like Steve Bell, Fernando Ortega, Casting Crowns, Norah Jones, Natalie Cole, Great Big C, and lots of other stuff.
19. When I especially like a certain dish at a restaurant, I will reorder that same dish time and again with out trying anything else each time we go there.
20. I hate raw onions.
21. I love to eat wraps, vietnamese food, and shrimp.
22. My husband and i both have a weakness for chocolate.
23. I once spent 10 days on a tributary of the Amazon river.
24. I'm thankful to have travelled a lot.
25. By nature I am a homebody, but you would never know that from looking at my life.
26. The first car that I owned was a very ugly, very old, Datsun 510 that I bought from a friend for $1. It was shaped and coloured like a lime.
27. Although it generally had a good engine, my Dad spent a lot of time fixing it for me. (Thanks Dad!)
28. I like people stories.
29. For some reason I get irritated by chewing and drinking noises. And also strangely by the sound of someone typing loudly on a computer keyboard. (only in certain situations...I can't explain why certain situations grate and others don't)
30. I love my brown corduroy jacket. My husband used to refer to it as my Bob Dylan jacket.
31. I grew up living down the street from an out door skating rink, I went skating almost everyday in the winter when I was a kid.
32. I sometimes miss that, and other simple pleasures that I don't get to do very often anymore.
33. I find it difficult to be patient when I talk with people who are more concerned about the correctness of my wording than they are with trying to really understand what I mean.
34. I'm repelled by arrogant personalities.
35. While I think cats are ok, I am really more of a dog person.
36. My husband is a cat person.
37. I love a good joke.
38. My favourite colour is blue.
39. I wonder why there's such a thing as coffee flavoured gum when people often chew gum to get rid of things like coffee breath.
40. I love going to IKEA.
41. I had to have stiches when I was five, it was for a wound on my head. The neighbour boy hit me there, with his teeth. (crazy accident)
42. I like going out to eat.
43. I also like a good home cooked meal.
44. I've had glasses since I was in grade 4.
45. I love wearing contacts, but I seldom wear them when I am overseas.
46. I studied sociology in university.
47. I'm quite outgoing, and really enjoy being with people.
48. There are some days however when I think I could make a pretty successful run at being a hermit.
49. These two parts of me- my people side and my hermit side sometimes confuse people.
50. I was once kicked out of an emergency room for being disruptive.
51. I used to play the saxaphone.
52. I enjoy playing the piano, but don't get to play much around here.
53. What I miss the most from home while I am overseas-- people- family and friends.
54. What I enjoy the most about being overseas- the people.
55. I haven't yet learned how to make any of the local food- I intend to change that.
56. I'm not great with details.
57. A big part of my life is figuring out how to remember details.
58. I have chronic back problems.
59. Because of my back i try to: wear good shoes, sleep on a good firm but not too hard mattress, not carry much in my purse, and try not to lift many heavy things... these things all make a huge difference in having, no pain, some pain, or I can't walk upright pain.
60. When I'm in North America I love going for a drive and cranking up the tunes.
61. The best Northern lights I ever saw was one night in the fall of 1993 (or 94?) in PA. I've never seen ANYTHING like that again.
62. Homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are my favs.
63. I love peanut butter.
64. and cinnamon buns.
65. I took clogging classes.
66. If they were offered here I'd take it again.
67. I went to Bible College for a year after high school.
68. Summer is my favourite season.
69. I love keeping in touch with people but I stink at it.
70. I often find myself laughing when no one else is.
71. When I was a child I was afraid of the grater. (street grater not cheese grater)
72. I once had a gecko land on my head.
73. I like to read various kinds of books- biographies are a special favourite.
74. People often think I look like somebody they know.
75. I love the feeling of clean sheets.
76. I've been married for just over 3 years.
77. My husband is one of the good guys.
78. We have a very "real" relationship, and it keeps getting better and sweeter.
79. Being overseas has brought us closer together.
80. We don't have any kids or pets yet.
81. We do have lots of dust bunnies.
82. I chose to become a Christian when I was a kid.
83. That was a very good decision.
84. When I was in University I went through an intense time of searching out if what I was believing was true or not.
85. I decided it's true.
86. To me Christianity is a relationship with God, not a religion of doing things to earn points.
87. That makes a big difference.
88. Romans 8:38-39 is a very favourite passage of mine.
89. I like a good soft fuzzy blanket.
90. I love Christmastime.
91. I love getting personal emails.
92. I drive the front desk girl at school a little crazy because i ask if i have mail a lot.
93. I love the morning sun.
94. I love the flowers in my parents and parents-in-law's yard.
95. I love a well told story.
96. I like a good game.
97. I like a good beverage. (hot chocolate, tim horton's ice cap, smoothies, etcetc)
98. There are a lot of things I would love to learn to do.
99. I remember when #99 was traded to the LA Kings. I was in Colorado at the time.
100. For awhile there I didn't think I'd make it to 100.