Friday, March 30, 2007

I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Cesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
(quoted in Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller.)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mama Mia

We just got back tonight from a little trip out of town. We had some thing to do in another city.
At one point we felt like going out to see if we could locate a Starbucks in our travels as we were in a large city with a few of them...
Hubs used to live in that city so kind of has a bit of a working knowlege of the layout....
Anyway, we hopped in a cab(cabs are cheap here) and M told the driver a location to go to where he thought there was a Starbucks, so we started heading in that direction. Before we got far, M spotted a street that he remembered and then was torn- thinking there might possibly been one down that very street, he decided not to chance it and to keep going but then at the last second he told the driver to turn down the street. We tried to scan both sides and the side streets to find it...

After a few minutes of seeing nothing that resembled what we were looking for, M spontaneouly broke into song -

M-(to be sung in a folksy way) " I knew I shouldn't have turned down this street! I should have let the taxi keep going to the first spot..."
K- (to be sung in a half hearted Bohemian Rhapsody-esque)"Yes you shoulda, yes you shoulda, yes you shoulda"
Taxi driver: You sing very nicely.
US:(we forgot that although the taxi driver couldn't speak english, he could still hear us SINGING) ha ha ha ha oh, thankyou ha ha ha
Taxi driver: Is that an american song? Or a song from your country?
K- "No that's our own song."

M and K continue laughing and joking about it almost all the way to the starbucks which is just up the street. Way to go M!

(we gave the kind taxi driver special thanks- he was patient with us! He drove away with a smile.)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Not so oft quoted wisdom

There are some quotes from the Bible that are very famous. People recognize them instantly. 1 Corinthians 13 for example-

"Love is Patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It alwasy protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." Vrs.4-6.

It is easy to see what that passage is a favourite. There are quite a few others that are also popular- Psalm 23, John 3:16... (if you don't know those ones, go look them up, it's worth it)

However, yesterday I was browsing through Proverbs and read a few and thought-"this is dynamite, but not really ever quoted."

So, today I give you a few passages that I thought were noteworthy yet not well noted.

"Like one who seizes a dog by the ears
is a passer-by who meddles in quarrels not his own." Proverbs 26:17

"Better a poor man whose walk is blameless
than a rich man whose ways are perverse." Proverbs 28:6

"Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." Proverbs 29:25

"Pride only breeds quarrels,
but wisdom is found in those who take advice." Proverbs 13:10

I could go on, but I'll leave it with those four for tonight.

Hope you are well wherever you are tonight.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

wasn't expecting that from a Denzel movie

Hubby and I watched a movie last weekend. It was with Denzel Washington. It was alright, except the entire middle part which was really violent. (I left for that part and returned for the ending. )

I don't really want to give a movie critique here, although there were a couple interesting themes... but what struck me was at one point Denzel's character and this Nun quote a verse from the Bible. Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

And that one line simply spoken seemed to jump right out of the movie and pierce right to my heart and give specific encouragement to me for some day to day situations that I'd been wrestling with. I'd been feeling a bit discouraged by a few things sort of piling up, and that message of not being overcome by evil but overcoming evil with good was such a word of hope to me. It seemed like God was saying, "yes there is evil, I see it, but good will overcome it." And by His Spirit it will.

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.."
Hebrews 4:12a

Yes, yes it is.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Fashion Report

Today I went shopping with a local friend.

Well, she shopped, I just looked at stuff and tried not to give too much of my opinion of various fashions.

This is an interesting place fashion wise. A few short years ago people were much too preoccupied with just trying to survive to worry about fashion. Now people in general have more disposable income, so fashion is now in. (Even more amazing is that I just read an article this morning about the new cosmetic surgery craze here.)

So, today was interesting. My friend took me to a place that I've never really investigated before- a big market of fairly cheap but decent quality clothes. Shop after shop, shirts, jackets, sweaters, and pants.

Now, what people like to wear here is often different from North America. And there's nothing wrong with that. (At some point I will give my N. America fashion rant...) ANyway- in my opinion, and I say this by western standards, some things that I see people wearing are really stylish- smart looking! It's fairly common actually to see people wearing a fantastic looking ensemble on their bike on the way to work in the morning.

Some other outfits are almost there, often the crucial thing that sinks a perfectly good outfit here is an addition of some random huge thing stuck audaciously on the front of it- ie) a big lacey flower, a massive bow of contrasting colour, gobs of fur stuck in various arrangements, or a mass of sequins and feathers. It gives me this urge to just take a pair of scissiors and snip! "there, now I feel better"

Another category of things people wear is the way over the top crazy outfits. These can not be described. They usually do involve lots of colour, and are often accompanied by crazy hair and for some reason green eye shadow. I'm still debating posting a fashion file just devoted to these UFOs.. "Unbelievable Fashion Objects."

Then there's all the other stuff that people wear, that's just somewhere in the middle. Just comfortable stuff that is sort of non descript.

The reason I said at the beginning of this post that I tried to hold back my opinion, is that I realize that I have very different taste from my friend. I might not like something simply because it doesn't look western enough for my taste, and so, I don't think that makes me a good fashion adviser for her.

With that being said she did pick out some nice stuff, well all except the purse, but that was one of those really big purses that are the rage all over the world and look like they were rejected from the 80's for being far too ugly. (Don't ever ask me if I like your really really big ugly trendy 80's purse- especially if it cost you a lot of money and Lindsay Lohan or one of the Olson Twins is carrying the exact same one and you had to take out a loan to pay for it....because I'll just tell you right now, I think they are all horrible. ) I didn't mind my friend buying the ugly 80's purse though as I do recognise that others don't share my replusion (and probably a few of you reading this just bought one of your own- and by all means buy, enjoy, think it's cute, but please, don't wreck your back and I repeat - don't ask me what I think of it.)

As we were walking around, it was fun looking at all the clothes. I rarely go shopping for clothes here. And rarely means just about never. But I really do like going shopping. It's fun to buy new clothes, even if they aren't for me. So, it was a nice outing, looking at what's "in" here... and being reminded of how things are changing in this place. I was also reminded as we were walking around that "clothes don't make the person"... and that thought came as a sudden relief, and a little saddness. Relief of pressure to pick the perfect items for my friend. But saddness as I realize that the new financial freedom that people are gaining here is giving them a false sense of what's really important, people are much more concerned with their image, their look... a new superficiality is taking over the land, a superficiality that we are well aquainted with in the west. And I couldn't help but be a little bit sad.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Well, I'll pray about it.

You Should Rule Mars

Mars is a planet that shines brightly and loops wildly around the solar system.

You are perfect to rule Mars, because you are both energetic and independent.

Like Mars, you seems attractive and bright to others - but you're difficult to pin down.

You are a great thinker, but you only think in the present and ignore the future.

Full of enthusiasm and inspiration, you are into your own thing... and rather insensitive to others.

But I thought men were from Mars.

now it all makes sense to you, doesn't it?

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

i feel hungry

You Are a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Traditional and conservative, most people find you comforting.

You're friendly and easy to get to know. This makes you very popular - without even trying!

Your 80s Theme Song Is:

Angel by Aerosmith

This test was totally random- I kept typing in the same results and getting a different song each time.... this was the first one that came up. I decided to stick with it. Even though I never liked Aerosmith at all, and never really cared about his particular song whatso ever.

something important you needed to know about me

Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino

Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker!

That's for sure, I don't even suspect myself of being a coffee tweaker. What on earth does that mean?

And apparently i have a vanilla personality.