Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I could walk 500 miles

At least I feel like I walked 500 miles today. It just so happens that I walked everywhere I went today, and that covered a lot of distance all told. I think if you put all the walking between destinations together today...I probably spent close to two hours pounding the pavement. I am trying to be more active, so it works- although my feet are tired.

I actually really enjoy walking around here. There is absolutely no shortage of things to see on any walk, any time around here. Even yesterday, I walked to the grocery store, and along the way I saw a guy playing crouquet, a whole herd of women with matching t-shirts on bikes with waving flags, and the usual assortment of interesting outfits (some stylish some not so), cute babies etc.... it was a feast for the senses.

One other time when I was in a taxi, I saw these two women on a bike, one was doubling the other, but the one on the back of the bike wasn't sitting, she was standing on the back of the bike. Why was she standing? I don't know, maybe she just ironed her pants, or maybe she had hemorrhoids, or maybe she just loved to be a bit of a daredevil. Who's to say? I don't know. But it lead me to thinking. And I realized that almost everytime I go out, I see something that makes me go "huh, will you look at that." There's always something very interesting to look at. Be it the incredible things people move on their bikes- maybe a gigantic palm tree or a massive load of bananas, multiple tv sets, or multiple people....or be it a social interaction- two people arguing with each other, a public break up, a gaggle old ladies or men gathering together for their morning chat session, or be it the fashions people wear...(and that is a whole nother topic for a whole nother day.) It makes for an interesting experience, that's for sure.

Yesterday, while at the supermarket(that I walked to) I had a nice time, I only had a few things to pick up so no mad rush. I happened upon a sale rack with these cute little baby dresses that could be used as fun gifts for friends, and they were about $2 Cdn. Can't beat that. Then I found a tank top on another rack that had my name on it followed by the adjective "Sweet" .... I bought it.
Ok, well, I must be off to bed now. All that walking and looking at everything has me a bit beat!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sorry for the lack of posty posty lately. ..

You know what? I like lists. and I like stories...I don't really have any stories to tell you right now...so why not a list? Yeah, I feel like a list, so here goes....
A list of some random things:

1. My beautiful yellow bike with the checker seat cover was stolen.
2. Now I walk to school.
3. It's a nice walk.
4. There are many rose like flowers blooming all along the walk.
5. It's getting very hot here.
6. I am realizing more and more as I get older that there are some things that I am good at, and some things that I am not good at. And that's ok.
7. We had to make a sentance using the word "wish" today in class. Our teacher asked us what we wish for, so I said "world peace" which was the first thing that popped into my head......but once it came out of my mouth, for some reason it sounded like a beauty contestant answer like I was competing for Miss Congeniality or something......I was pleased with myself. My friend and i had a good laugh. As did the Korean guy sitting next to us.
8. If you have access to any Corrie ten Boom books, they are worth reading. No matter how old they are.
9. Got a couple letters in the mail last week. That made me very happy.
10. I told you this was a list of random stuff.

And now, for a picture!

Why, you say? Because... besides lists and stories I also like pictures of cute little tiny Koala Bears. Photo courtesy of cuteoverload.com !

Monday, May 15, 2006

Important Detail- Da Vinci Code is Fictional

So, like, some good advice, umm don't base your life philosophy around a book that you have to go to the "Fiction" section of the library to find.

The Birthday

So, yeah, my birthday was last week. It was pretty much an ordinary day. Things went on as usual. Did however get various cell messages from people, a few emails, a few cards made their way to me too. A couple people called from home. That was really nice. I appreciated all the thoughtful gestures.
We also out with some friends for supper. Actually there were three of us who had birthdays within a week, so another friend of ours treated us to a nice supper at a great buffet in town. It was relaxing. At the end, I was presented with a basket full of goodies- totally fun! (Some cake followed a few days later too!)

Hubs gave a IOU for some decent art on the walls and 4 plants. These are both things that thrill me to no end. Really.

So, all in all, it was a good day.

I had wanted to take more time to let the coming of another birthday spur me on to be reflective. However, life just seemed to speed up as the day got closer, so, no thinking was done. I had a birthday, and that's about all I know for now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A few things

A few things to update everyone on- my husband is doing much better physically. He is down to one and a half pills each day. The doctor told him this week though that he needs to stay on the medication for another 2 months. (Just taking a pill a day.... which is a lot better than 18 a day which is what he started on) Apparently this will help him avoid a relapse. So, ok, medicate away!

Second update: scorpion is missing from his little jar. Although my husband isn't sure if the scorpion got eaten by the other very ugly creature that he put in the jar that was supposed to be food for the scorpion to eat - or if he got out. Apparently the jar was tilted.... but don't worry though, the jar was in the back yard, not in the house. I'm sure he's miles from here by now. I don't think I need to go into my personal feelings about this topic.

Third: We are going away for a few days. Should be back saturday.

Fourth: Sorry to those of you that I need to email!

Fifth: Monday was my birthday, more on that later. ....Nice day on the whole.

Must hit the hay now. It's getting late and I'm tired.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A little trip out to the country

Today we just came back from a trip to the country side. It was a very interesting time.

We went with a couple who are good friends of ours. The purpose of the trip was to visit his the husband's parents home for a big celebration of their baby's birth.

It was interesting on many levels. It was interesting because of going to our friend's home, and meeting relatives and friends (there were some 200 people that came for lunch.) It was interesting because we got to spend some extra time with our friends. And it was interesting because we were in the countyside. It's different than the city. Simpler. And some of the old traditions are more prevalent there.

For me, one of the hardest things about being in this part of the world is seeing the status of women. And how men are favoured over women. Certainly there are countries and people groups that are far far more extreme, and given to injustice, but still there are some things here that just grieve me.

Let me just say this to start: people here love their babies, they adore them, they heap attention on them and dote on them constantly.

With that said, it is true that there is still a big problem here with many people prefering baby boys over girls, especially in the countryside. As we were driving around our friend's old village and surrounding area, we noticed a slogan written on one brick wall "Baby boys and baby girls are equally good." This was written by the government. Sigh. Propaganda to convince new parents about value of their babies.

Our friends' baby that we were there to celebrate is a boy. But they would've been happy either way. But as we were celebrating with all the neighbours and relatives, I wondered how the comments, and general feel would have been different if the baby was a girl?

There were other things that I saw and heard that also hilighted the inequality between males and females in the family unit here. And, I have to admit, as our time there wore on, I got angry. I was enjoying being there, and I know that what God requires of me is to love people...but this whole issue really gets to me. I can get really riled up about it, (And i mean really Riled up with a capital R) As most women can, I've noticed.

I know that our God is a God who hates injustice. He does. Hates it. and it's good to hate injustice too. One thing that I've realized that I have to be careful of, is to not hate the people who I think represent the injustice. Hating injustice= healthy.... Hating people= cancer...... this is very hard. I know I can only do this by God's power. Because I'm tempted to swing one way or another...either hate both the people and the injustice or just let it all go and be apathetic. Neither is a good option.

Ok, so I'm wrestling with this one. But I have firmly decided I will not be an angry woman. I will not be an angry woman. I will not be an angry woman. Period.