Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sorry for the lack of posty posty lately. ..

You know what? I like lists. and I like stories...I don't really have any stories to tell you right now...so why not a list? Yeah, I feel like a list, so here goes....
A list of some random things:

1. My beautiful yellow bike with the checker seat cover was stolen.
2. Now I walk to school.
3. It's a nice walk.
4. There are many rose like flowers blooming all along the walk.
5. It's getting very hot here.
6. I am realizing more and more as I get older that there are some things that I am good at, and some things that I am not good at. And that's ok.
7. We had to make a sentance using the word "wish" today in class. Our teacher asked us what we wish for, so I said "world peace" which was the first thing that popped into my head......but once it came out of my mouth, for some reason it sounded like a beauty contestant answer like I was competing for Miss Congeniality or something......I was pleased with myself. My friend and i had a good laugh. As did the Korean guy sitting next to us.
8. If you have access to any Corrie ten Boom books, they are worth reading. No matter how old they are.
9. Got a couple letters in the mail last week. That made me very happy.
10. I told you this was a list of random stuff.

And now, for a picture!

Why, you say? Because... besides lists and stories I also like pictures of cute little tiny Koala Bears. Photo courtesy of cuteoverload.com !


Tiffany said...

I like the list. Sorry to hear about your bike, it sounds like it was a fun one. I've been thinking about you lately and can't wait to connect again someday.
Can I write you a fun letter? Can you let me know how I can get it to you if possible?

Anonymous said...

*laughs* I'm definitely amused by this total randomness. :) Hope you're doing awesome!
hugs, Ames

Antique Mommy said...

I woulda' come here just for the picure of the baby Koala! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment - and a nice one too! Please come back. I'll make scones!

The confused foreigner. said...

Yeah, mine got stolen but not hubs. I guess mine was prettier. Mine was locked up like Fort Knox compared to his. But it wasn't locked to some immovable object so, now it's gonzo.
This city in particular seems marked by a huge problem with theft. Hopefully that will change.