Friday, December 16, 2005

December 16

HAppy Birthday Jackie!! Hope it's a great day friend!
And remember...

Ooohhh nooo, you can't pass the clay!
meep meep ...lights on, lights off
next time you come, you stay two weeks, we catch lobsta! (pat pat)
you eat mo, you eat mo
We come in peace!
the big brown babe mobile
Are we in Nebraska?
Point-setttaaaa, point-settaaaa every Christmas you greet me....

On this your birthday, I wish you many more stupid things to laugh at.
with love, and a special birthday prayer for you.

ps. doo doo doo! doo doo doo doo doo doo dow! doo doo doo! doo doo doo doo doo doo dow! -Mariah Carey- (you know the rest of the song.)


Ok here goes attempt number 3. I have started working on this 3 times and twice I've managed to erase it by accident.
So, the deal is, I have been "tagged" by my old friend Peg, (or shall I say, friend of long duration? ;) for 7 questions with 7 here goes....

Seven things to do before I die:

1. Write a children's book
2. Become a person with great depth of character.
3. Learn to love people more unconditionally.
4. Have a fireside chat with Oprah. There's something specific I'd like to discuss with her. (Ha, ha, I thought of this BEFORE reading Gavin's blog... )
5. Overcome my irrational fear of bears, sharks and airplanes.
6. Have kids
7. Learn photography, and to make videos. (uh, not like a Van Halen video, but just learn to use computer programs to do visual arts/multi- media kind of stuff. )

Seven things I can not do:
1. Watch golf on TV.
2. Win a wrestling match with my husband.
3. Make food that tastes just like my Mom's.
4. Hem a pair of pants.
5. Walk by a cute dog, cat or baby without raising my eyebrows and speaking to them in a high "Hello aren't you cute" voice.
6. Eat raw onions.
7. Sleep on my stomach (bad back)

Seven Books I love:

1. In the Eye of the Storm" - Max Lucado
2. The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein
3. When God Speaks - Henry and Richard Blackaby
4. Any of the Far Side comics
5. Anne of Green Gables series
6. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbabla
7. The Bible

Seven movies I could watch again and again:

1. While You Were Sleeping
2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas - original
4. 13 Going on 30
5. Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas
6. Sabrina
7. Star Wars (the 3 oldest ones)

7 THings I love about my spouse: (or best friend if you aren't married)

1. He has a deep love for God.
2. He is kind.
3. He's playful and funny.
4. He often wears his heart on his sleeve.
5. He's terribly handsome.
6. He is committed to growing and changing.(in the good way)
7. He loves me.

7 things I often say:

1. We're outta here like a herd of turtles. (this due to Candi's influence)
2. NO- WAY!- G-ET OUT! (when I say this it is a term of surprise, not actually telling someone to leave.)
3. What do you feel like eating?
4. Know what I mean jelly bean?
5. How much does this cost? Too expensive!! Can you make it cheaper?
6. What did he/she/they just say? I didn't quite catch all of that.
7. Sorry, I can't understand you.

7 People I want to join in (if you want to of can consider yourself tagged)

1. Tiffany
2. Amy
3. Kirsten A
I don't know that many bloggers, especially ones who haven't already posted this, so the next few are people, that if they so choose to participate, they can email me their 7 questions!
4. Karen D
5. Candi
6. Karyn and Al
7. Celeste
8. Cherise
9. Jackie
10. Anyone else reading this whom I didn't name by name but wants to participate, you can post in the comments section or send me an email!
Ok that's more than 7, so sue me.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

A restful weekend

This weekend, my husband and I decided to have a little getaway, to rest and relax. We found a very good deal at a local hotel, and decided to have a weekend away from, phones, people, and all busyness. So, we are just goofing off, watching some movies, reading, and being together.

Interestingly enough, in our attempt to "getaway", we have met or "run into" a number of interesting people. Two very interesting people that I met were an American lady and her newly adopted 5 year old daughter from this country. (I guess international adoption is happening more and more in many countries, this one no exception.) They are staying at the same hotel as us. We first met them down at the hotel's main restaurant..... Anne came to get her new little daughter by herself.... speaking nothing beyond "hello" of the local language. Her little daughter speaks no english. So, Anne came, took care of some paper work, took her back to the hotel, and just like that, they are family.

Now, they do have to do a couple more things before leaving the country, but pretty soon they'll be back in the states, going on with their new life together. I had a bright idea that maybe I could help with things a little by giving Anne a list of some helpful words that she could use to communicate. Like, "tired?", "hungry?", "I love you", etc... so I did just that. It was so much fun to be helpful with the little language ability I have.

I think that Anne quite appreciated the list when I delivered it to her room. I also think that she was in need of some english speaking company after being with this new little person in a foreign country by herself for a good 4 or 5 days. We had a good visit and she told me all about how things had been for her in the whole adoption process. She was very thrilled about her new little one, but at the same time, it's a big decision to suddenly have a new child, and to go to a foreign land to get her. An adventure yes, but also an intense experience.

I found Anne to be a lovely person, even though I just met her. What I enjoyed the very most though was little Emma...her new little daughter. It was amazing that, though everything that was familiar to her was being taken away, she was so happy, and adjusting very quickly. You could tell that despite the language barrier, there was quite a bond formed already between mother and daughter, Emma was radiantly happy with her new mom.

It is a little sad that Emma will likely lose all of her native language, as I don't think her mom knows anyone right now who speaks her language who could speak it with her. It's a little sad to lose that, but at the same time, she is gaining a loving family, and that's more important.

A whole new journey has just begun for that little girl. Part of that journey will be learning english. It was kinda neat that I got her to say one of her first english words ... I taught her to say "Banana"!

It's pretty amazing also how much they communicated to each other without any common words. It seemed that the little girl could let her needs be known quite well. (she is smart) Her need to go to the bathroom, hunger, etc.... and it was very easy to read the delight in her. Although a quieter little girl, she was quite giddy when I was visiting them. Smiling, laughing and giggling. You could tell she was basking in all the one on one attention. She was very happy to be held by her mom. She also wanted to show me all kinds of things, pictures, and papers, a few new toys....etc... Her mom showed me a new outfit that she bought for her (as the little girl is very small for her age, all the clothes that Anne brought with her were way too big.) Emma pointed to the outfit and then pointed to herself. She was really cute.

So, that was kind of a fun part to the day today. Now we are just kicking back. Relaxing. It's nice. My husband is watching a movie that I've never heard of before. It's a Disney channel type movie.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Another Pseudo - Psychology quiz

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.

Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.

You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.

And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

Yes, "Lucky for me" ......
(all this from picking ONE picture)

Monday, December 05, 2005

What's up.

Just a quick post here. Things have turned cold! Dumbest thing I did today- went to school with wet hair and no hat. Won't do that again any time soon. I felt so gross... feel better now though.

Hilight of the day - I broke out a Soft Taco making kit that I brought over with us in the summer and we had taco night. Ahhhhh. Taaacccoooosss.

Still haven't put the Christmas tree up, that is on the to do list for this week.

As I am sitting here, I am all snuggled up in the fuzziest blanket we have (ie - extremely fuzzy soft goodness) and our extra little heater is on, so I'm feeling pretty cozy. Now to get down to business and study my lesson for tomorrow.....Guess I should get to it. Hopefully this fuzzy soft goodness won't be a distraction.

Ok, good night to all....or Good morning, depending on your hemisphere!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thought for the day

Anywhere is walking distance if you have the time.
- quoted from a pamphlet on Betty's cubicle wall.