Friday, December 16, 2005

December 16

HAppy Birthday Jackie!! Hope it's a great day friend!
And remember...

Ooohhh nooo, you can't pass the clay!
meep meep ...lights on, lights off
next time you come, you stay two weeks, we catch lobsta! (pat pat)
you eat mo, you eat mo
We come in peace!
the big brown babe mobile
Are we in Nebraska?
Point-setttaaaa, point-settaaaa every Christmas you greet me....

On this your birthday, I wish you many more stupid things to laugh at.
with love, and a special birthday prayer for you.

ps. doo doo doo! doo doo doo doo doo doo dow! doo doo doo! doo doo doo doo doo doo dow! -Mariah Carey- (you know the rest of the song.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KL, where ARE you???