Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Ok, first post of 2006! Phewf! The last two weeks have been a swirling vortex of activity. Mostly good.
We had a very quite Christmas. We spent it with a few friends, eating, goofing around, more eating, and remembering the special meaning of Christmas. It was good.

On Christmas eve we also watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special. I forgot how terribly cute Snoopy is. I think it was kind of fresh because I haven't watched it for a few years, and I was watching it with some people who have never seen it (yes they were from North America- amazing, I know.) Now though it is a week and a half later, occasionally still one of us will imitate the dancing style of one of the Peanuts characters.

Our big meal together was brunch on Christmas morning. We had drawn names from a hat as to who would give gifts to who. It was a secret until Christmas day who your secret santa was. I have to say I had a lot of fun buying for my person, and the person who bought for me did a smash up job! Can you believe it- she bought me a bike! (Now to give some context, it is used, and used bikes are very cheap here...often you can buy them for around $10) But it was great!!! It's yellow with a black and white checkered cover for the seat!! I have a bike now!!!! wa HOO!! The very best thing about it is that she saved me all the hassle of going to the bike market and haggling for it myself! THAT is a gift!

My husband and I missed being home with family on Christmas, so we were thankful for the friends we could gather with and still enjoy a celebration.

One funny thing from the season...lots of people here don't have their own Christmas trees, but we bought one, and put it up awhile before Christmas....then took it down twice to lend out to people who wanted to borrow it for parties. We totally didn't mind, but it is funny when you think about it- you would never ask someone in Canada if you could borrow their Christmas tree AFTER they have gone through the trouble of setting it all up and it is adorning the corner of their living room. We really didn't mind at all, why not spread the cheer around. And, after all, we're not in Canada. Different rules.

Well, I need to go, we are going to supper with friends, I will write more later.

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