Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Oh for the love of cuteness...

Got these pics from cuteoverload.com .... you can make up captions.


Tiffany said...

You know, I don't think I've ever seen a baby animal that was repulsive. They're all so stinkin' cute. I like the baby chipmunk, or is it a squirrel? What an eccentric pet that would be... I think the caption for that one could be "Please Lord, don't let him clap his hands!" ;)

Happy New Year to you and M!

The confused foreigner. said...

Ha ha. Like your caption. Another friend suggested: "Lord, please make my body grow to match the size of my gigantic head."
I thought that was also pretty funny. heh, heh.
And a very happy New Year to you too!
AND a huge congratulations on becoming a new auntie! :) How exciting!