Saturday, November 05, 2005

Another Saturday Night

Today was a full Saturday. One hilight was a date with my husband. We went out for supper- Pizza. It was a good treat, and nice to spend the time together. Afterward we came home and had a little movie night. I was quite proud of was totally a girl movie....we watched "The Notebook." It's not his favourite thing in the world to watch anything girly, he likes guy movies! Really he likes a lot of different kinds of movies but top of the list is anything with action, in fact a few weeks ago he found an old copy of "Rambo: First Blood" and he was soo thrilled. He was telling everyone about it, and inviting them to watch it. There was a sparkle in his eye as he told them about what a masterpiece it was and that it is a truly "iconic" film. Most of the movies I like are nothing like "Rambo: First Blood" but sometimes we do happen upon something that we both like. (Like Mr. Bean.) Generally though we have a different taste in movies, so I really appreciate it so much when he watches something with me that I know isn't exactly his first choice (or second choice, or third choice...)
Tonight I was especially appreciative of him.....not only did he watch a very girly movie with me, but also with 4 of my other female friends as well!!! He was the only guy watching a tear jerking romance in a room with 5, count them 5 sniffing, dewy eyed women!
And he only left the room for an extended period once!

I wouldn't have blamed him if he had scooted off to do something else, but I did appreciate the fact that he stuck around with us and watched together, somehow it made it more fun to have him there too.
I'm so thankful for that guy! (He's braver than Rambo!)


Tiffany said...

So do you think you could reciprocate? Could you sit and watch something like "The Running Man" or "Predator" with your husband and his friends - and leave the room only once? Just curious really. Kudos for him for eduring though.

The confused foreigner. said...

Generally I can force myself to do just about anything I don't like (ie: eating of the turnips)Hee hee So yes, I have on occasion reciprocated- ie) "The RUndown".... and I've actually been surprised by liking some of the guy flicks!! "The Rundown" was pretty funny...(Also there are some action movies that we both want to see..)But I do have to say, I just don't have the stomach for many "guy" movies...the gore....too disturbing. So hubby dear has really outdone me in this department, but we do often try to find something middle ground...

PS- saw "RUnning Man" in the theatre way back when...brUUUUtal. And, Predator was playing on a bus that we were on once (dubbed over) husband was totally into it, but after seeing a few gorey parts I was finished...I was still sitting next to him, so I guess you could say I sat through it without leaving for an extended time, even once!!:)