Sunday, February 26, 2006

We are back!

Back at home. Yes, I have a bit of a cold, but that is minor compared to what my hubby came back with! While we were away, we had a really good time of it. Really. But I have to say, we did have our share of strange "mishaps." Although all turned out fine.

The first incident was that Dh(dear husband) got bit on the ankle by a cat. Yes, a cat. I kid you not. He was playing with the thing, (it was a little rough) but it didn't break his skin until he started walking away. It was then that the thing pounced on his ankle and bit him, leaving two little vampire - cat puncture marks. So, after doing some research we decide its prudent for him to get rabie shots. So, ok.... which actually are not as bad as "the old days" Dh informs me. He said the needle is in the arm and quite small now. But he did have to get 5 shots. Poor guy.

So that was number one. The second major health issue we had was that Dh developed something called ITP. THat is short for "not good, this can kill you." Actually it stands for something else and actually it kills very few people, but you can die from it. And at one point we weren't too sure what the outcome would be.

For those of you who know my husband, he is generally a very healthy, very physically strong person. But one evening I noticed some red dots on his skin. We thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to the detergent used to wash the sheets or something like that.

The next day the dots spread, then he started bruising very easily. We decided that although it was probably nothing, that we would pop into the hospital and get him checked quickly that evening ...just in case it was "something."

So, long story short....he got a bloodtest, and it was discovered that his blood platlet level was at 10% of what it should be. That is not good. You need your platlets for your blood to clot normally. He was admitted to the hospital immediately. They were afraid that he would start to bleed somewhere in his body- (joints, or brain) The doctor was very good. He spoke english and reassurred us that he sees a few cases of this every year and usually it responds well to some medication. So, they put him on some medication within the hour.( The name ITP simply means a loss of platlets due to some unknown cause. )

We were both very surprised that it was something that serious. And we were both nervous about him starting to spontaneously bleed. He had had a headache all day. But we were expecting that by morning he would be somewhat better.....that the medicine would kick in and do it's thing.

The next day was an incredible crazy wild ride. I went back to the hospital the next day, he was in good spirits, and had had a good sleep. The nurses took his blood in the afternoon, and the results came back worse that before!! His platlet level had dropped to only 2.5% of what they are supposed to be. So the doctor said that they would have to transfer him to a larger hospital in a big city to get a platlet transfusion. Hooo boy - we did not expect that. Immediately your mind starts going through all the "what ifs".... "What if he has a brain hemmorage on the way to the hospital?" "What if the platlets are somehow infected with something else that will kill him?" ....well, those were actually my only two big what ifs, but they went around in my head multiple times, plus they have other what if's associated with them.

The ambulance wasn't ready to go until 10pm, so I had time to run back to the hotel and grab stuff for both of us to take with us. Then I rode along in the ambulance with him. We made what I think is a two and a half to three hours drive in two hours. We practically flew there. Which on the whole is a bad idea for someone with ITP on bumpy roads. But maybe no one told the ambulance driver that. It was incredibly bumpy.

Once we got to the hospital in the larger center, any fears that I had about quality of service quickly disappeard. It was nicer than the Hilton. It was crazy nice. Very clean, professional and amazing service! Dh got looked over in the ER, blood tests taken...they concluded that he had survived the trip with no bleeding, and they said they'd evaluate in the morning when the results of his blood test would come back and the it could be decided as to whether or not they'd do the transfusion. They said that the hematologist would be in in the morning.

Ok, I know this is lame, but it is getting late and I have to get up early in the morning, so I will have to leave you hanging on the proverbial cliff. Just until tomorrow...... when I will finish this story--------- as there is no way I can finish tonight!! (sheepishly) SOrrryy!!


1 comment:

polarpegs said...

yikes... well i know ho wscary the whole platelet thing can be after going through all we did with courtney... just reading about it... i can just imagine how that must have been for you... hoping everything is going to be ok