Sunday, February 19, 2006


Ok, while I will share later about our trip, I would like to respond to Peg's questions that she tagged me with awhile back- (sorry if the responses aren't too interesting- internet cafe- can't think)

Here's the deal: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place.
Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

Clare Pink Cupcake
Queen of West Procrastination(oops I did something to this one!)
following the herd
The confused foreigner
(Sorry I haven't learned to link yet)

Next select five people to tag (only if you wanna, no pressure):

What were you doing 10 years ago? Just started work as an egg farmer, bought my first pair of overalls. I was moonlighting as an undercover RCMP officer in Rosthern SK....well, no, just kidding...... I had just reported to my first assignment working with you know who. If you don't know who that is you can email me. :) I was living in Saskatoon, with 4 other roomates at 204 Central. It was all quite a blast.Good memories.

What were you doing one year ago?
Living overseas trying to learn a new language among other things.

Five snacks you enjoy:
milk chocolate
vegetable thins with milk
hummus on wheat thins
ice cream
chocolate chip cookies

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
I like papayas
Theme to the Flintstones
Lord Most High (From the Ends of the Earth)
Brown Eyed Girl
Faithful One

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Let me think about that one....

Five bad habits:Leaving some food on my plate....even if it's just a bite, I almost always leave a morsel...I don't know why( I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out recently) ; letting receipts and papers accumulate in my purse; slouching; eating too much fattening stuff!; forgetting the clothes in the washer for too long.

Five things you like doing: Dancing; being in nature; swimming; singing worship songs; good conversation with friends (usually should include something we all find quite funny).

Five things you would never wear again:
1994 red satin bridesmaid dress; skin tight acid wash jeans; mall bangs; very very large glasses; duck boots (killer blisters!)

Favourite toys:
Settlers of Catan- have you played? very fun.
Skip Bo: my husband and I play this a lot, it is one of the only games I can fairly consistently beat him at. He is good at most games.
Fashion Plates: I think it was a Christmas gift from my parents when I was about 10- it's a fashion design sketch plate thing for kids it could easily go on the list of all time best little girl gifts.
Barbies: they were one of my all time fav's
Lego: no explanation needed.

Note: someone in this small internet cafe has intense onion breath.

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