Friday, March 24, 2006

Nick names

There's a new friend that we recently met, his english is quite good. He has this super sincere personality. Very friendly and loves to speak english with you. I just had to post this little story that I heard about him tonight!!

He also knows two of my North American friends-Brad and Rhonda.
So, one day our friend (Let's call him Earl) walks up to Brad and says "Hey! I have a new name for you! Want to hear what it is?"
Brad:" OK!"
Earl: "It's Chubby Boy!"
Ok, so Brad at this point is none too thrilled with the new nick name.... (he's not chubby at all either..)
so then Earl goes over to Rhonda and says "Oh! Brad doesn't like his new nick name!! Hey I have one for you too! It's "Hot Chick"

(Where he got these names - I have no idea!!)
Seeing as how Brad was thumbs down on Chubby Boy, Earl comes back to him again and says:

Earl: Hey Brad - I have a new name for you!"
Brad: "Ok, what is it?"
Earl: "It's Hank"
Brad:"Hank, oh ok, Hank."
Earl:" Don't you like it!!!! ????It means handsome man!"
Brad realized later that he was trying to say "Hunk"

Ok, I don't know about you ...but i find everything from "Chubby Boy to Hot Chick, to Hank and Hunk" very funny.


The confused foreigner. said...

Hey! Like the new blog!!!How fun!!
We are both still sick today- better than two days ago, but still definately under the weather.
Thanks for asking.
Glad it is finally getting springy there!

The confused foreigner. said...

no, I had no idea! hmm I'll have to check it out.

polarpegs said...

When Trevor was in Montana Tech some guy always called him Norbert. Trevor just figured it was a silly nickname the guy came up with and answered to it anyway. It wasn't until he asked the guy why he called him that. The guy's response "Isn't that your name? I just thought that was your name?"

The name actually stuck until he moved.

The confused foreigner. said...

Too funny. Norbert. Classic.