Saturday, October 29, 2005

A little saturday something

Saw this on someone else's blog, kinda liked the here it is on mine!

Appetizer Did you sleep good last night? Yes, but we went to bed too late and woke up too early to really feel rested.

Soup What is your current computer desktop image? A gorgeous picture of some lilacs, which I "borrowed" from Randall Friesen's blog site...I think it's a picture he took himself.... maybe I should have asked before I copied it, is that bad blogger etiquette?? woops.... busted!!

Salad When was the last time you planted something, what was it and where did it go? The last actual "planting" of something was when we were in N. America, in our first year of marriage (two years ago) we were renting the greatest little house.... we planted some annuals in the yard, and I planted one perrenial (Daisies)....we moved out mid growing season, and the things died or grew without our knowlege....however during our trip back this summer, we swung by to check for mail...and I noticed the daisies that I planted had come up again this year. It made me happy. I miss that place.

Main Course What's your favorite condiment? All condiments, any condiment....mayonaise, honey mustard, ketchup, mustard etc.. not wasabi though- I got the flu once a few hours after eating some sushi rolls..... but I am getting to the place where I think I could stand to eat it again. Also, I don't think you could call it a "condiment" per say, but I'm currently really into oyster sauce, and I use it like a condiment sometimes....YUM!

Dessert Share a quote that you like, for whatever reason. I'll share two...
"The power is not in the prayer; it's in the One who hears it." -Max Lucado

and "If you are not careful, you can leave your place of prayer and never make the connection between your prayer and the events of the day. " - Henry Blackaby

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