Monday, October 17, 2005

It's a fine line

OK, one of my pet peeves.... the compliment which is actually an insult. Most people who give it are genuinely trying to be nice but I have noticed that some people have less of a filter to realize that the compliment they are giving is actually not very nice.

For example: " You house looks so clean!" (sure it sounds like a nice compliment but said with a certain tone of wonderment, it really means "Hey, I'm surprized... your house is usually a pit!")

First of all, obviously not every compliment about a house looking clean is discouraging.....just some said with a certain tone by certain people.

Second of all, for those of us who struggle to keep our space clean, and who are not all that organized, when we do get the house looking ship shape we know it's an accomplishment. We do not need Mr. or Mrs. Clean House to come over and croon about how great it looks. When we get the space looking good, we like to think "Yeah, this is who I am, I'm Ms. Clean space person." But then when Ms Clean actually does come over and oooh's and aaaahhhhs , it reminds us that we are usually Ms. Not So Clean and it has not gone unnoticed.

But in the end, you can't say anything...oh yes you may want to make some comment dripping with sarcasm....but you can't because that would make you a jerk. And really, generally as I said above people are usually trying to say something nice when they make these kinds of comments, they are out of touch with how the ultra chipper, extra stress on the "so" in "so clean" really makes you feel. They think they are complimenting you. Encouraging you on a job well done. A pat on the back for their friend.

This year and last year I've decided to live more like an imperfect person. (Yes, I know some of you are thinking I do very well at this already) What I mean is, being ok with the fact that I have flaws and weaknesses. I'm trying to let it be OK with me that I am not always good at everything. And not trying to hide the fact.

We all know we have flaws, but for some reason there's something in us that wants to hide the fact from others. But, isn't that an insult to the grace of God? And don't they know it anyway?

So, yes, ok, I'm not that organized, and my house has a tendancy toward randomness, I am incessantly doing "the big clean." So what? I'm working on it. Why? because it will make life much more simple, and efficient and entertaining more of a joy. But, if God accepts me and in fact delights in me just the way I am, why do I want to hide it from other people? Why do I cringe when it feels like one of my weaknesses has been exposed? I hate that.

I want to live a new way.

When Ms. Clean comes over, and their comment makes me feel like they are parading my weakness for the world to see, or at least letting me know that they've seen it, I want to sincerely say with my mouth(ie with no clenched jaw) "Thank you!" and in my heart "Yes, I am flawed ...and I rejoice in it and thank God because He will show His power through my weakness. Yeah!"

"Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12: 9b,10

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