Friday, October 07, 2005

Home Again

Just got back from a few days away. It was a busy time and an 8 hour trip to get back, but it was a good 5 days. We were away for very practical reasons but also managed a visit with a good friend and his mother. Our friend is living around these parts too (in a different city), but his mom is just visiting. It was really fun to meet her.
Actually we weren't supposed to meet her until Thursday but on Monday as we were travelling out to our destination, our bus was about an hour and a half away from the city...and I really had to go to the bathroom. We stopped to pick some people up and my hubby asked the bus driver if I could hop off and run to the restroom. So, ok, the whole bus is waiting for me...I run in to the washroom, and am coming back out, I look around and can't figure out which bus is mine.....(my one bus morphed into 8 that all looked alike) As I am scanning the lot, I hear this voice say my name- it's some of our friends! And then also our good friend and his mother! We were just at some random reststop in the middle of nowhere. It was quite something, they were on their way back from a wedding that they had attended. And it was nice for me, our friend helped me find the right bus! I was thankful. I was also thankful that the view of the people waiting for me on our bus was obscured so they couldn't see me stop to hug people in the parking lot while they were waiting! (I didn't make them wait too long though!)

Was that difficult to follow? Well, the rest of this will be short, as my computer is very slow tonight, so it's gotten quite late...

On the way back today I started reading the book In the Eye of the Storm by Max Lucado- I've read it before a long time ago, but I'd forgotten how good it is. I highly recommend it, especially if you are going through anything difficult. A great read wherever you're at though.

Lately I've also been reading Captivated by Stasi and John Eldridge..... has some very good food for thought, I read half way and then got stalled, but I plan to finish it soon. More about it later perhaps.....

Well, I'm a little tired, so it's off to beddy bye, after I hang up the laundry!
God's peace to you!

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