Sunday, October 23, 2005

Care can be expressed in many ways.

I had a few firsts over this last week. Well, the one wasn't a first for me but a first for some people here.
Last saturday evening I found myself manning the curling iron station at a girls beauty night that we invited a few friends to. It was really fun because I so enjoy doing people's hair. It was also fun because the people whose hair I was curling, had never had a curling iron used on them before. And they were quite thrilled to be getting a curly haired make over.

I think that I only did maybe 4 people's hair in that time, but it was so worth the two hours and multiple times of accidentally touching the scorching hot barrel. (Actually the one was a straightening and the other 3 were curling.) This one girl, she had soooo much LONG hair, it took me a very long time to do hers, even with half of it swept up into a bun. But she was sooo happy afterward, it definately had the princess effect. She was beaming.

This other girl was quite funny, she was the last person of the night, and i didn't have much I gave her this cute little flip on the end of her shoulder length looked really cute. But then after a few minutes of looking at herself in the mirror she asked if I would curl the whole I curled the whole thing, and frankly she looked stunning if I do say so myself. Really, it looked great. But then for some reason she took a brush to it right afterward....I guess it just looked too different, or she wanted to tone down the curls a little or something...but the effect of the brushing made her hair look a little bouffant with the flipped outward curl on the end- she looked like an American Bandstand dancer from the 60's.

As I was curling one of the girl's hair, she asked me "You've learned how to do this right?" and I replied that i have had a lot of experience using a curling iron.... and that any woman in North America over 25 has had a lot of experience using a curling iron. (ie- the 80's.) In that moment I was quite thankful for lo those many hours as a teenager sat in front of a mirror obsessing about getting my hair curled up or feathered just right. It finally paid off. The helmet hair and the semi-mall bangs finally paid off.


polarpegs said...

Hey I remember the bangs but you just be thankful that your mom didn't do the whole ringlet thing on your hair as a kid. remember all those SS pageants. L & 1 were like the sasquatch twins

The confused foreigner. said...

Actually, I always thought your ringlets were quite pretty.