Thursday, August 17, 2006

A taste of my day

I made a decision today. I decided it was time to make some chili.

In order to do this I realized that I needed some green peppers and tomatos. So, I rounded up my stuff and set out for the produce market. It's about a 7 or 8 minute walk from our house.

As I walked down the lane outside our house I passed a lady with her little black dog. He's the cutest little pomerainian you ever saw. I tried to take a picture but he ran past me too quickly. He was already some distance away from me when I think the owner told him to come back to me to get his picture taken, he came tearing up to me and ran around me and sat down in front of me for a bit of a petting, then he posed nicely like this:

Then, I tried to take a second "better" picture, but he was already already well on his way to his next destination.

The lady smiled, and we both continued on with our lives.

The market wasn't too busy today when I got there. I like going there. The produce is colourful, and there's lots to choose from. Here's a sampling of what I saw today:

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