Wednesday, August 02, 2006

No no no

We arrived back in our city last night. It's good to be back. Last night and today we have been unpacking and cleaning up, and getting things organized. I went for groceries today. I went to a big grocery store. That store has the stickiest produce bags around. I find them incredibly difficult to open. My first stop was the produce isle, I could not get a single bag open, at least not before one of the produce attendants would come over and open it for me. It was amazing really, they could open those bags with one swift motion. After the second attendant came over to open a bag for me, I began to try to look casual so as they wouldn't feel the need to come over. Well, 3 or so bags later I had my own personal produce attendant. He just stayed with me. He was actually quite helpful, he began pushing my cart for me, and giving me advice on which potatos to pick. My favourite part was when he said "No no no!" when I picked up a potato he didn't think was up to par. Ah the life of a foreigner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wanna see your new haircut!!! hee hee... sigh. we should talk on skype sometime, eh? i miss you!

-purple gal