Tuesday, July 25, 2006

doing nothing in particular

So, I wrote a post yesterday, I really did, but after it was published it didn't show up on the blog. What's up with that? I felt a little gyped. After actually going to the trouble to actually write something, then it couldn't be seen. I dont' know why. Hopefully this will work.

We are still away from home, currently we are in a very beautiful area, and have a week to relax, so relaxing we are. It's been nice so far. Although it's the rainy season, it's been quite sunny this week. There is also an abundance of butterflies that flutter past the place where we are staying. So beautiful. Today while we were sitting in our lawn chairs, we saw a bird that looked like a toucan but in black and white. That was cool.

I'm writing this from an internet cafe, and finding it hard to write because of the people that keep coming and going and how small it is.. nobody cares about what I'm writing but I do feel a lack of privacy, which leads to a lack of creativity. So, I will stop there, also I'm not sure if this will publish correctly... talk to you later!


Anonymous said...

Hey, K!

Funny thing is, i saw the post you wrote. :S It had funky little quotation marks at the begining and you were talking about looking around at your surroundings and then you were being bekkoned by M to go look at nothing in particular togther. Right? I don't remember it too well...but I know there was another post inbetween this one and your anniversary one. :S - Ames
p.s. I think I might have even left a comment on it...?
p.s.s. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, neverming. I didn't leave a comment on the non existant post. That was the anniversary post. :P - Ames

The confused foreigner. said...

Hey Ames,
so weird that I couldn't see it but others could!
Then I deleted it, and wrote this one and couldn't see it either, but today it's here. Glad it's back to normal.
ANywhoo...how's Tennessee??
Good times I hope!
love yas!

Anonymous said...

I emailed you a couple days ago about CHIC. Did it work? Well, it was good...

The confused foreigner. said...

Oh hey Ames,
Sorry I won't be able to access my reg email until i get back to my usual place...where we are right now I can't access it, so I didn't get your email yet.
Hope all's well with you guys,

Anonymous said...

Oh, ok. Well, on my blog it says pretty much the same thing as what I emailed you. So, you can read that. But, you should email me when you get the email just the same. :)