Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why do I do this to myself?

Next two days will be full. I have officially overbooked myself once again. Too many irons in the fire, bit off more than I could chew, a flock of birds and only one stone. The birds are laughing at the stone. Ah well, it isn't too late to recruit some help, I think....

Well, I'm off to bed...I have too many details from my "to do" list swirling around in my head to concentrate very well. I'll go get a good sleep, and wake up early and set to work again.

I wish a peaceful night to all.

(Oh yeah, quiet outside our apartment this morning- rainy day! It was glorious!)


Tiffany said...

I love your blog! What a great way to hear more of your stories :)Can I put a link from my blog to yours? I though it would be polite to ask.
Big Ble55ings!

Anonymous said...

Hi thar Foreigner,
I like your blog...very interesting. I've added you to my "Favourites" links well, ...b/c you're one of my faves! Now that I've visited I can picture exactly where the stories take place...(ie.women by the store)...very funny (well not so much for you-sorry :) ) Anyhow, this is a very fun should get Karen Du started on it too...I can see her liking it. ANyhow, hope you're doing well...I look forward to your next blog :)-Char

The confused foreigner. said...

Thanks for stopping by guys! And thanks for the encouragement! Yep I let Karen Du know about it, so maybe she'll stop by sometime, despite her hatred of the computer! :)