Thursday, April 27, 2006

My husband has a new pet

Remember how I wrote before that one of my most horrific moments while travelling earlier had to do with a gigantic centipede in my bed?

Ugh. I still get sicked out thinking about it.

Well, not to be out done, my husband has managed to top that one. While he was sleeping last week, he was stung by a scorpion. Yeah, a scorpion. No it didn't kill him. Didn't swell, turn red, bleed ...but it really really hurt. And it totally freaked him out because he had no idea what was going on with his leg at the time. But he was all better by morning.

And no, thankfully it wasn't in our bed where he got stung. It was out in a little hotel in the countryside. (There are some scorpions out there, but none in the city here where we live. )

So, now he has a new little pet. Yep he brought it home. Alive. Perhaps that illustrates a difference between men and women....when I found that centipede I smashed him to smitherenes with a shoe in about 5 seconds flat, and he didn't even bite me. My hubby not only brought his scorpion home but is trying to feed it to keep it alive.

Well, time to go to bed. I'm tired. Think I'll give the sheets a shake before I hop in. Brrrrrrrr.


Tiffany said...

Okay that is a little nuts. What do scorpions eat anyway? Other bugs I suppose. I'm surprised you haven't taken the scorpion for a "dirt nap" when your hubby isn't looking. Ha!

The confused foreigner. said...

"What do scorpions eat anyway?"
Yes this is the question that has been resounding in the halls of our home recently. (well figuratively we don't have any actual "halls" in our apt)
So DH has been finding bugs to put into the scorpie's jar. DH was quite happy today to discover that he had eaten an earwig. We think.

I would like to step on that scorpion. But my husband seems to be attached to him. As a science experiment if nothing else.
I think "Fritz" would be a good name don't you think? If it's a girl I like the sound of "Electra."
I don't know.... maybe Morte would be the best name.