Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm back.

My last post was in July.
It isn't that I didn't have anything to say.
I just didn't feel like saying anything.
But now I'm back. And there's way to much water under the bridge to tell everything, so why don't we just go on from here?

I'm teaching this year. English as a second language. This is proving to be very interesting.
Today, one of my classes was a group of professionals. I asked them if they'd ever made a resolution.

Some people said that they'd made resolutions to exercise, some to learn english, and things like that.

The most interesting one was the woman who said:
"I made a resolution to make my husband give me a warm kiss everyday."
She got a round of applause from the class.
I then explained that making resolutions involves your own behavior and not someone else's - but the men in the class seemed to be the ones clapping, so I suspect her husband might not mind her making that kind of resolution.

My favourite answer was a humble gentleman in the class who stood up and said that out of concern that his young daughter is working too hard on her school work, he made a resolution to play ping pong with her everyday. I asked him if he'd been able to keep his resolution, and he said that he had.

Under the category of funny things I've seen recently...

The other day I was biking home from the school, and I came through the big main gate. (There are always guards at the gate, usually standing soberly looking on in their uniforms. )On Monday I rode my bike by just in time to see the guard at the table get up and walk over to the other guard who was standing on a little podium and give him a boot to the behind. It knocked him off his podium and caused him to break into laughter. They didn't even notice me go by. It made me laugh though. Goofballs.


Amy said...

horay for your return! :)

Murph said...

That's hilarious. I can imagine those guys doing that, too.

Miss you guys!

Kirsten said...

The Dad's resolution is touching.

Anonymous said...

yay! glad to have you back!

i agree with kirsten - the dad's resolution is touching.

-purple girl

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back! Missed you :)
p.s. this is the first comment i've ever made on anyone's blog!

The confused foreigner. said...

Wow, I feel privileged! :)
It's good to be back.

Anonymous said...

Hay! I'm glad you're back too! I love reading your blog! Hope you have a great day!

K & A