Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I could walk 500 miles

At least I feel like I walked 500 miles today. It just so happens that I walked everywhere I went today, and that covered a lot of distance all told. I think if you put all the walking between destinations together today...I probably spent close to two hours pounding the pavement. I am trying to be more active, so it works- although my feet are tired.

I actually really enjoy walking around here. There is absolutely no shortage of things to see on any walk, any time around here. Even yesterday, I walked to the grocery store, and along the way I saw a guy playing crouquet, a whole herd of women with matching t-shirts on bikes with waving flags, and the usual assortment of interesting outfits (some stylish some not so), cute babies etc.... it was a feast for the senses.

One other time when I was in a taxi, I saw these two women on a bike, one was doubling the other, but the one on the back of the bike wasn't sitting, she was standing on the back of the bike. Why was she standing? I don't know, maybe she just ironed her pants, or maybe she had hemorrhoids, or maybe she just loved to be a bit of a daredevil. Who's to say? I don't know. But it lead me to thinking. And I realized that almost everytime I go out, I see something that makes me go "huh, will you look at that." There's always something very interesting to look at. Be it the incredible things people move on their bikes- maybe a gigantic palm tree or a massive load of bananas, multiple tv sets, or multiple people....or be it a social interaction- two people arguing with each other, a public break up, a gaggle old ladies or men gathering together for their morning chat session, or be it the fashions people wear...(and that is a whole nother topic for a whole nother day.) It makes for an interesting experience, that's for sure.

Yesterday, while at the supermarket(that I walked to) I had a nice time, I only had a few things to pick up so no mad rush. I happened upon a sale rack with these cute little baby dresses that could be used as fun gifts for friends, and they were about $2 Cdn. Can't beat that. Then I found a tank top on another rack that had my name on it followed by the adjective "Sweet" .... I bought it.
Ok, well, I must be off to bed now. All that walking and looking at everything has me a bit beat!


Anonymous said...

hehe. I'm glad you have so much entertainment to watch on a daily basis. I think probably the most interesting thing I've seen here ever would be a guy sitting in a truck bed with no shirt on and holding a canoe paddle. He was sitting backwards and pretending to row. This was on the highway. It was pretty radical. :)

The confused foreigner. said...

Yeah, I believe it. One time I saw a family of 4 on a bike with groceries!