Sunday, January 08, 2006

Odd and Ends

It's late sunday night and I need to go to bed. Just wanted to write a little something though.

I have an exam tomorrow, which I didn't know about until tonight......argh. Actually the train of events went like this.

Last week I thought all my exams were this coming week. That is what our teachers announced the week before. They also announced a three day holiday to celebrate the New Year. So I thought "great ...Monday Tuesday Wednesday. I'm off, celebrate good times, c'mon. Let's celebrate. " Except on Wednesday I learned (after staying home guilt free that morning) that we actually did have class, that when they announced the 3 day holiday they were including SUNDAY. So I actually didn't have wednesday off at all.....(a number of others also skipped thinking it was a holiday too!) Also on wednesday morning, my cell phone card ran out of money. (this becomes important later)

So wednesday night after the lights are out and my husband and I are talking about the day, just ready to doze off to sleep, he mentions that another guy in my class told him that he has an exam the next day....meaning that I also have an exam the next day. Apparently it was switched from this coming week, to a week earlier! and they had announced it that day in class- the one that I had a "holiday" from! (the guy, our friend from my class had sent me a message apprently, which i never got because my phone needed to be recharged.)

So, ok, now this weekend, I am supposing my other two exams are wednesday....but tonight, sunday, early evening, I discover that I have an exam...tomorrow morning. Changed! Also probably announced on my "holiday" and my friend also probably let me know via the dead phone.

I'd like to say that this is an uncommon experience in my world, but no, it's not. There are certain things which seem to characterize my life thus far.... and this kind of thing for some reason is one of them. But some how it all seems to work out. And really, not much I can do about it now!

I've heard that perhaps tomorrow's exam will be a take home..... let's hope for that shall we??
Ok, well, I really need to get to bed now. I'm ready for a peaceful nights sleep.
Good night!


Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like you've been busy. I had a pretty good holiday. It was very relaxing, and I did alot of reading. How did your exam go?

The confused foreigner. said...

My exams were all so so. I think so so is ok because of the switch in their scheduling that I wasn't aware of. So I hadn't studied much. These exams don't really get recorded anywhere anyway. The big point of these classes is to actually learn to speak. So, as long as you are learning how to speak the language then you are being successful. Glad you had a relaxing holiday! Sorry I haven't done much blogging lately, nor have I done much commenting, it's been a busy time. How's your new semester shaping up?